
Bee Yin asked me to update the blog some time back. Being busy I forgot all about it until right now. And I didn't even mean to write, until I saw Lene's and HC's post.

1st about Lene's post.

Why would you wanna meet him on 13th February? It's sweet that he asked you out on that morning but as someone who knows him really well ( I would like to think I'm right on this point ) , I would have to share a valiant point with you, something that I shouldn't probably share publicly and would faced with severe consequence. But as a courageous boy who stands up for what he thinks it's right, I should tell you guys this (pardon all the crap. that's call introduction to entice the audience. it's what we learned in writing class) he's a deliciously devious evil creature! As one who's farsighted, I'm pretty sure that's his technique of putting his guilt to rest since he won't make it for the first day of CNY gathering. He'll say he'll try his best to make it, but once we meet up on 13th February, he'll come to the conclusion that well: I've met with my buddies now I can choose not to go to the gathering. 

ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people of all ages, we must never ever let him choose that path out. you know why?? Coz we're teaching him the right way, we're teaching him to be a man, we're teaching him that friends are important. WE WANT THAT FREAKING EVIL CREATURE TO BE THERE ON THE FIRST DAY OF CNY! WE LOVE HIM DON'T WE!


2nd about hancheng's post

hmmmm I really do love to think that Avatar's one of the best movies of all time. The storyline is undoubtedly banal, characters cliched, but the fact that I've watched it twice and yet don't seem to be bored in the least. I watched the flick in San Francisco for the first time. We were supposed to go to the theater but somehow we met two people along the way and we ended up at the wrong theater watching 'Up In the Air'. Second night we made it and we forked out 17USD for an IMAX 3D Avatar experience. The whole theater was chock-a-block. Loved the 3D experience! It's like you could touch all the plants and furry stuff that Eywa spits out. ROFL!

Second time watched that in Penang, albeit a normal w/o 3D experience. Yet I still was enticed by the plot and storyline and could even hear the dialogues better (since we went for a late night show the first time and I was a little sleepy). Let me explain why it's one of the best movies despite its originality, or rather lack-of.

1.  Which movie shows you BLUE creatures which could spout out weird accents and still look like humans? Well the only blue creature animated film is probaly the Smurfs, and they're ANIMATED. AVATAR looks real. you can almost see the nipples of Neygiri if you look closely!

2. Which movie can provide you smart dance moves and cat-callling noises? even long after you've seen the movie??!! remember the part where Grace is dying and all of the BLUE creatures suddenly lapsed into a weird shoulder-joined dance and head rocking moves?? Man that's better than Michael Jackson's moondance. you know why? coz the Avatar dance can be performed by many at one time. I've tried it! it's fun. and the cat-calling noise before they jump on the ikran?? man that's sweet .just admit it. it's a fun sight to behold!

3. which movie can for once, make you hate the human race for a period and love the BLUE creatures. Man we've been portrayed as saints all along. Man VS aliens bla bla bla. for once we love the blue creatures!!

4. The movie expounds on different ways of love making. bodies entwined with their ponytails flapping, isn't that a little distracting? but who am i to judge? jake sully definitely enjoys that!

and Lastly for the girls, don't you feel happy when you go to the theaters with your bf. for once you don't have to worry about him oggling at the seminaked hotties. just face it, neygiri is downright ugly!! even tho you can see her tits no sane looking man would wanna see that!! and michelle rodriguez barely appears on the screen. so forget about her. your boyfriend for once, ,would most probably be focussing on the plot instead of un-Megan Fox-like Neygiri.


shoot. I didn't save the last bit and the article's different.. hmmm what was i writing about? oh yeah

JaKe sullly's quite a bad taste!! 

I'm pretty sure I'm better

Oh yeah pardon for the not-so-serious post. As a coming of age boy, I'm replete with testosterone and i've no where to vent it. so the net's really helpful. Plus all our posts are really serious. we need some shitty craapy ones like this once in a while!!

OH yeah i just read hern's post some days back. guess i haven't really beeen checkin on our blog for some time. my bad!! kaka. guess i'll just make this article longer and comment on his post here.

i'll only say it once. THE SPY NEXT DOOR is one of the WORST movies of all times!

go see it please and you'll know what i mean

Jackie chan's english sucks hard (hmm don't mean it in an obscene way)

and the dialogues are so so so corny. the script writers make the two kids say out weird sounding dialogues and it sounds like they were collected and mismatched from all movies. you've heard all the dialogues before. and you've seen alot of movies (ahem such as me) you'll realize that they hail from many movies.

Rotten Tomatoes gave the movie a rockethigh 8%. i would give it a 2% to be honest.

It's one of the WORST movies! oh yeah i don't mind saying that the second time. coz i nearly fell asleep and wanna walk out! 

Worse that syriana!

OH yeah HC i read that article you write about noot using ur lack of articles as a parameter of frenship. but i'm sorry i use that al the time. so you better post more articles k..

it's a sign of love.

be proud!


hee-rn chong said...

dude, i don't like what you just wrote here.

2 philosophical 4 my age said...


hee-rn chong said...

cos u r kinda rude in the sense that everyone's have their own opinions towards movies. no matter how much u disagree with me, throwing "WORST" in my face 2 times is just very disrespectful. pls put it in a better way.

2 philosophical 4 my age said...

haiz. again line putus. jz now comment now must comment again. let's c if i rmbr wat i wrote.

i didn't know you'll take it that personal. i didn't mean it in a personal way. i personally don't like the movie and it has nothing to do with you. i only referenced you coz u broached the topic of that movie. the movie is the movie. you are you. the movie i still don't like. but you i lik. coz you're a nice dude and we've the same surname. we should meet also during CNY

shit. this came out wrong. the first time i wrote it it sounds better. but you get what i mean rite. i hate the movie but i heart you :P

hee-rn chong said...

alright, no offence...ok will meet up. haha.

2 philosophical 4 my age said...

yay yay yay yay ya (5 cheers like superkids)

meet up when wo? i back on fri so sms when u bk. same number .0175605579

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